How the pieces fit together

Many of the parts in the photos from my previous post have since been mounted on the car; here is what the puzzle pieces looked like before, just to give an idea...

What follows is what has resulted from that big braking and suspension system overhaul that I mentioned earlier (which also looked like the photo above beforehand).

Front axle:

Rear axle:

This is what one of the drum brakes looks like on the inside...

Puzzle pieces

Just to show just how much detailed work has gone into this project, here are some photos of the many renewed (or just new) parts that now form part of my Fića. The pictures contain suspension components, bumpers, wheels, steering components, interior trim, hoses, brakes, and more.

Interesting fact: each of the screws has been individually rust-protected with a special coating containing gold, among other things, that is likely never to rust. They are visible in the last photo.

Click to view the high-res versions.